

The all-powerful & mighty

Easily Customize New Events
Apply your own branding or tailor according to a theme to personalize an event.
Multi-Track Support
Organize submissions into different categories thus making evaluations easier for reviewers.
Seamless Submission Management
Navigate through number of submissions effortlessly via user-friendly interface
Real-time Tracking & Reports
Receive live updates on submission statistics, review progress and acceptance rates.
Clear Collaboration & Communication
Facilitate team collaboration & setup elaborate communication with presenters.
Presenter Information Management
Manage presenter bios, photos & other relevant details for a comprehensive program.
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Streamline Event Organization
Manage Submission Deadline
Customizable Submission form
Data Security and Privacy
Dedicated Customer Manager
Deadline and Notifications
Enhance Event Quality
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Intuitive & Easy Interface
Simple Reviewer Assignments
Clear Review Guidelines
Consistent Review Scoring
Review Progress Tracking
Good Reviewer Collaboration
Useful Commenting System
Review Committee

Steers the conference to success

Customizable Review Criteria
Define review criteria based on event’s goals & ensure consistent evaluations.
Organized Rating & Commenting System
Reviewer ratings & detailed comments ensures informed decision-making.
Easy Reviewer Collaboration
Enable collaboration among reviewers to share insights & collectively decide.
Efficient Review Management
Structured process for assigning submissions, tracking progress & managing evaluations.
Simplified Review Committee Setup
Various roles and responsibilities enables smooth functioning of the review process.
Comprehensive Overview of Reviews
Easy access to add or edit reviews & stay informed on the overall review progress.

Gateway to new ideas & powerful future

Easy Submission Process
A convenient interface that guides with clear instructions to reduce confusion & errors.
Editable Submissions
Ability to edit submissions can be valuable to make updates or corrections.
Communication Tools
Messaging for communication with organizers for clarifications or addressing queries.
Submission Status Tracking
Track status of submissions, whether they are under review, accepted, or rejected.
Presenter Resources & Repository
Easily upload & store presentation materials for current & future events.
Customizable Profile
Allows organizers & attendees to learn more about the presenter’s background.
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Clear Submission Guidelines
Multi-Track Selection
Automated Reminders
Upload Variety of Files
Easy Access to Content
Dedicated Support Channel
Mobile Compatibility